Among the cards you have in your hand, you will often have weapons and shields. These cards are called equipment. When your character moves on them, the card is added to thier inventory. They gains the effect of the weapon and its power. The value of weapons (in yellow) is added to your basic attack. The shields (in blue) give you protection against the first damage received. In this game, you must travel through different levels until you defeat the last boss. To do so, play cards from your hand to the free slots on the field. Once done, end the turn and you will be able to see your character
Knife Throw
Space Prison Escape
Dodge Blast
8 Ball Pooling - Billiards Pro
Anime Girls Fashion Makeup Game for Girl
Hippo Family Airport Adventure
Onet Classic Fruit
Two-Timin Towers
Panda Air Fighter: Airplane Shooting
Reversi - Othello
Weekend Sudoku 11
Action Balls: Gyrosphere Race
Angry Monster Shooting Game
Chef Escape
Sanctuary Rescue Plan
super mario riders
Jumping to the tree
Moto Maniac
Giant Head Rush
Jetpack Is Running Out
Mine Sweeper
Make All Happy
Tied Man Escape
Subway Surfers SpaceStation
Bossy Toss
My New Baby Twins - Baby Care Game
Zombies 1
Impostor Rescue Online
Face Paint Jigsaw